Halifax university looks into gay male relationships

A team of researchers at Saint Mary’s University are looking for gay male couples for a study on relationships.

According to Robert Allan, one of the principal investigators, the research project “evolved out of discussions between myself and Russell Westhaver, chair of the Sociology Department at SMU. We both have an interest in doing research with gay men and furthering the literature about recognition on a variety of levels — personal, relational and social.”

Allan and Westhaver plan to focus their research on a couples enrichment program entitled Hold Me Tight. “It is based on the book by Sue Johnson and an approach to working with couples called emotionally focused therapy, or EFT,” says Allan. “EFT works with couples to recognize that we are emotionally attached to and dependent on our partner for
nurturing, soothing and protection. EFT focuses on creating and strengthening this emotional bond by identifying and transforming the key moments that foster an adult, loving relationship.”

Couples are invited to participate in a three-session program on Saturday, April 6, 13 and 20, from 9am to nooon, on the Saint Mary’s campus. Each couple will be required to complete four questionnaires on four occasions over an eight-month period and complete two interviews with Westhaver.

For more information, couples can contact Russell Westhaver at 902-491-6278 or Robert Allan at robert.allan@smu.ca.

Journalist, writer, blogger, producer.

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